Lombardo’s Opposition To Lowering Prescriptions Drug Costs Back In The Spotlight

Medicare announcing the first 10 drugs it’ll negotiate lower prices for highlights Lombardo vetoing Democrats’ bill that would’ve spread those savings to all Nevadans

As the first 10 prescription drugs that Medicare will negotiate lower prices for were announced yesterday, Nevadans are reminded of Governor Joe Lombardo’s veto of a Democratic bill that would have spread those savings to all Nevadans. Despite the policy having the support of over 70% of Nevada voters, earlier this year Lombardo vetoed AB 250, which would have lowered the price for these 10 drugs to the Medicare-negotiated rate for Nevadans of all ages, regardless of if they’re on Medicare or not.

The prescription drugs that Medicare will negotiate lower prices for include medications treating diabetes, cancer, blood clotting, auto-immune diseases, and heart disease, among others. Because of Lombardo’s veto of AB 250, Nevadans under the age of 65 who are suffering from those conditions won’t see the cost of their prescriptions lowered.

“Lombardo’s shameful opposition to lowering drug costs for Nevadans is brought back into focus with Medicare announcing the 10 drugs that it will negotiate lower prices for,” said Nevada State Democratic Party Executive Director Hilary Barrett. “Instead of looking forward to cheaper prescriptions, Nevadans under 65 suffering from diabetes, cancer, auto-immune disorders and heart disease won’t be seeing any relief thanks to Lombardo vetoing AB 250 and prioritizing profits over hardworking Nevadans.”


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