Lying Lombardo Still Refusing to be Transparent with Nevadans About Inaugural Donors One Year Later

Despite declaring his administration would “govern with transparency, candor, and integrity,” one year after his inauguration, Lombardo has done everything he can to keep Nevadans in the dark.

Just months after his inauguration, a groundbreaking report revealed that Lombardo defied bipartisan precedent by registering his inaugural committee as a dark money group so that he wouldn’t have to disclose who his donors were or how he was spending their money. His shadiness doesn’t end there, either. During this year’s legislative session, he vetoed Senate Bill 60, a pro-transparency bill that would have required constitutional officers – including himself – to disclose their inaugural committee donors.

Throughout his first year in office, Lombardo repeatedly prioritized special interests over Nevadans by vetoing legislation that would have helped working families – including numerous housing bills that would have decreased the profits of the billionaire slumlord who financed his campaign. If Lombardo truly believes the government shouldn’t “be allowed to operate under the cover of darkness,” he should start changing his own ways.

“Joe Lombardo continues to keep Nevadans in the dark about his inaugural donors, spending, and the potential deals that are putting our families last,” said Nevada State Democratic Party spokesperson Stephanie Justice. “There’s no doubt that Lombardo will shoot down any effort to create more transparency within the governor’s office because he simply believes that the rules don’t apply to him, but Nevadans deserve to know whatever it is Lombardo is hiding.”



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