MAGA Extremist John Lee Aiming To Bring Far-Right Agenda To CD-4

Failed Nevada gubernatorial candidate John Lee is throwing his hat into the race for Nevada’s Fourth Congressional District, and he’s already campaigning on extreme policies that are out of touch with everyday Nevadans – but he can’t escape his past.

Before embracing far-right extremism, Lee once supported Congressman Horsford:

  • Before Lee switched parties in support of Trump’s extremism, he dropped out of the race against Congressman Horsford in 2012, calling him a “great candidate.”
  • Lee stated that “[he] felt a primary with [Horsford] was only going to avert millions of dollars away from [Democrats’] goals. 

Here’s what you need to know about John Lee’s extreme record:

  • During his unsuccessful primary bid for governor, Lee stated he would “follow the Trump agenda.”
  • Lee campaigned on being Nevada’s most anti-choice governor.
  • Following Trump’s lead, Lee promised that fueling dangerous election integrity conspiracy theories would be his primary concern.

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Stephanie Justice

“John Lee’s top priority remains his own political interests. When he failed as a Democrat, he switched party affiliations only to embrace the MAGA agenda and fail as a far-right Republican. Nevada voters rejected his out of touch, extreme platform more than once but Lee never fails to give voters an opportunity to do it again.”



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