MAGA Extremist Sam Brown and His Political Allies Will Leave No Stone Unturned in Efforts to Ban Abortion Nationally

POLITICO: The anti-abortion plan ready for Trump on Day One 

New reporting from POLITICO shows that Donald Trump’s extreme allies are plotting a radical, anti-choice agenda for him to enact on day one in office if he’s elected, superseding existing protections in Nevada. And you know MAGA extremist Sam Brown will be right there with him.

Brown has a decade-long record of supporting extreme anti-choice policies, including strongly supporting overturning Roe v. Wade, stating that he believes abortion should be banned even in cases of rape or incest, and backing a radical Texas abortion ban without exceptions for rape or incest. 

Brown’s toxic anti-choice agenda is out of step with Nevadans, who overwhelmingly support a woman’s right to choose and have voted to protect that right. 

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Katharine Kurz:

“Sam Brown and his political allies have made it clear that given the chance they’ll enact sweeping restrictions on abortion rights and put politicians directly between women and their personal medical decisions. Sam Brown can’t hide his anti-choice record. Nevadans know that Brown will always put Donald Trump and his party leaders over what’s best for the people of the state.” 

Read more about the ways that Donald Trump can ban abortion nationally on day one in office: 

POLITICO: The anti-abortion plan ready for Trump on Day One 
January 29, 2024

Key points:

  • But Project 2025, led by Trump administration alumni, along with other conservative activists close to the campaign, said they’re confident Trump would at the very least revive his first-term policies that Biden has since scrapped. That includes reimposing restrictions on domestic and international clinics that provide contraception and STD testing and rolling back access to abortion pills.
  • The Title X family planning program provides free and subsidized contraception, STD screenings, prenatal care and other services to millions of low-income people around the country.
  • The Trump administration, in 2019, barred clinics that receive Title X funds from counseling patients about abortion or providing a referral for one, and required clinics that provided both abortion and family planning to construct physically separate facilities and maintain separate staff and finances.
  • Students for Life is pushing for the EPA to classify the chemicals in the abortion pill mifepristone as “forever chemicals” subject to stricter regulations, and to require any doctor who prescribes the pill to be responsible for collecting and disposing of the aborted fetus.
  • They also want the Federal Trade Commission to penalize and prosecute virtual clinics that prescribe abortion pills to people in states where they are banned.
  • Susan B. Anthony, an anti-abortion group spending tens of millions of dollars to elect conservative candidates this fall, wants the FDA to reimpose the requirement — lifted by the Biden administration — that abortion pills only be dispensed in-person by a doctor, and investigate non-fatal complications reported by patients who take the drugs. Others want the agency to go further and strip the two-decade-old approval of the pill, banning its sale nationwide.
  • Project 2025 is preparing for Trump to bring [The Comstock Act] back into force, cutting off access not only to the pills used in the majority of abortions but also to medical equipment used for abortions and other procedures, and allowing criminal prosecutions of both providers sending the drugs and patients receiving them.
  • Groups are also planning for a Trump administration to rescind Biden administration guidance requiring hospitals to offer abortions to patients experiencing medical emergencies regardless of state bans on the procedure — an issue the Supreme Court is set to consider this year



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