MAGA Extremist Sam Brown is Stumbling into the Primary Deeply Out of Step with Nevadans on Abortion Rights

Brown has a decade-long anti-abortion record, while the overwhelming majority of Nevadans support reproductive rights

One week out from Nevada’s Senate primary, here’s your reminder that MAGA extremist Sam Brown is deeply out of step with Nevadans on abortion – an issue that will continue to play a pivotal role in the 2024 election.

While the overwhelming majority of Nevadans support reproductive rights, Brown has a decade-long anti-abortion record. This includes:

  • Repeatedly supporting banning abortion with no exceptions for rape or incest, including a Texas law that had some of the toughest restrictions on abortion in the country 
  • Until October 2023, Brown served as the local president of an extreme anti-choice organization that supports a national abortion ban
  • Saying his anti-abortion views are “non-negotiable” 
  • Strongly supporting efforts to overturn Roe v. Wade and saying that he would only support anti-abortion Supreme Court Justices
  • Directing women to anti-abortion crisis pregnancy centers, organizations that often push dangerous misinformation to vulnerable women
  • Refusing to support the upcoming ballot initiative to protect abortion rights in the Nevada constitution this November 

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Katharine Kurz

“Nevadans are going to reject Sam Brown for his extreme anti-abortion record that is both deeply unpopular and dangerous for women and families. While Senator Jacky Rosen has been fighting to protect women’s reproductive freedom, Sam Brown is a direct threat to Nevadans’ right to make their own health care decisions, and he cannot be trusted in the Senate.” 



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