MAGA Extremist Sam Brown Is Stumbling into the Primary Deeply Out of Step with Nevadans on Protecting Social Security and Medicare

Brown wants to ax Social Security and Medicare – gutting Nevadans’ hard-earned benefits

Less than one week out from the Nevada Senate primary, here’s your reminder that MAGA extremist Sam Brown is deeply out of step with Nevadans on protecting Social Security and Medicare. 

Brown wants to ax hard-earned benefits for seniors, and was even caught on tape saying he admired an extreme plan that would phase out Social Security and Medicare in five years – calling it a “roadmap for a better America.” 

Brown has also publicly called for “painful” cuts to federal spending, which could lead to massive cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Brown has also welcomed both the endorsement and massive financial backing of Americans for Prosperity Action, a far-right Koch network organization that has called for drastic changes to Social Security, like raising the retirement age and cutting benefits for Nevada seniors. 

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Katharine Kurz: 

“Sam Brown has shown us time and again that he doesn’t care about hardworking Nevadans. Families across our state cannot afford a Senator who is willing to cut hard-earned benefits for Nevada seniors in order to appease his far-right allies in Washington, and voters will reject this deeply unpopular agenda again in 2024.” 



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