MAGA GOP Field in Nevada: Marchant & Gunter Attack Sam Brown for “Trying to Dance Around” Trump, America First Agenda

The Nevada Senate GOP primary is shaping up to be one of the messiest in the country as extremist candidates waste no time attacking Mitch McConnell’s handpicked candidate Sam Brown for refusing to endorse Donald Trump this cycle despite his previous support for the former president. 

Read more about the latest intraparty attacks in this increasingly chaotic primary: 

  • Former assemblyman Jim Marchant told interviewers that there’s a “clear choice” in the primary between a candidate who’s “supported by Mitch McConnell, the Koch Brothers, and the establishment” and one who’s “supported by MAGA and America First, and President Trump types.”
  • Rumored candidate Jeffrey Ross Gunter accused Brown of being part of the “deep state” and called him a “serial election loser.” He went on to say that Brown is “trying to dance around the idea of Donald Trump or dance around the idea of America First.” 
  • Nevada Independent Op-Ed: “When Sam Brown entered the primary recently, Marchant and his supporters were quick to label him a ‘handpicked’ agent of Mitch McConnell and the Republican ‘establishment’


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