MAGA House Republicans’ Looming Government Shutdown Would Hurt Nevadans

MAGA House Republicans are making extreme and partisan demands as they advocate for a government shutdown — with no concern for the devastating impact it would have on Nevada families.

House Republicans have created a laundry list of reckless demands that would hurt Nevadans if passed:

Slashing funding for schools with low-income students: Nearly 50 Nevada schools have lost Title 1 funding this year, and House Republicans’ wish to cut federal funding for this program by 80% would put even more high-need students, as well as teachers and staff, in jeopardy.

Raising housing costs: Republicans’ proposed cuts would eliminate thousands of households’ funding for Housing Choice Vouchers, which nearly 40,000 Nevadans rely on for reliable shelter.

Eliminating critical workforce development programs: Nevada uses job training and workforce development programs to lift up communities and ensure that every Nevadan has the chance to enter the workforce. House Republicans’ proposal would result in fewer people receiving job training and employment services — depriving them of resources to help them be successful.

If House Republicans fail to force their extreme agenda through, a shutdown would be devastating to the state of Nevada:

Servicemembers may go without pay: If House Republicans force the country into a shutdown, active-duty personnel on Nevada’s five military bases may be forced to work without receiving a paycheck. These extreme Republicans have no plans to acquiesce, even if it means refusing to protect those who serve our country.

Veterans won’t have access to benefits: In a shutdown, the VA may not be able to provide Nevada’s veterans with the services they need to stay afloat. Vocational rehabilitation programs and business support centers may not be able to provide essential support, and homeless veterans could be cut off from receiving housing vouchers. 

Delays at Harry Reid International Airport: Over three million people visit Las Vegas each month. If House Republicans force a shutdown, FAA and TSA will have to go without pay. This could lead to longer lines and wait times at one of the busiest airports in the nation.



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