MAGA Jim Marchant Endorses Trump – Will Sam Brown Do the Same?

Yesterday, MAGA election denier Jim Marchant officially endorsed Donald Trump for President in 2024 – doubling down on his support for the disgraced former president and his extreme MAGA agenda. 

His likely GOP primary opponent Sam Brown has also worked to get on Trump’s good side – defending Trump after his indictment and promoting a “Stop the Steal” activist and January 6 participant. 

Now, Nevadans deserve to know: Will Sam Brown join Jim Marchant in officially endorsing Donald Trump and his toxic brand of MAGA politics?

Nevada State Democratic Spokesperson Johanna Warshaw
“Sam Brown can only avoid the Trump-shaped elephant in the room for so long. Will he join Jim Marchant in backing Donald Trump and his toxic brand of MAGA politics, or will he risk alienating the Republican voters who will decide their primary?”


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