McConnell Recruit Sam Brown’s No Good, Very Bad Campaign Launch Week

Brown called out for trying to hide extreme positions, facing “primary brawl”

It’s been a rough first week for Mitch McConnell’s handpicked candidate Sam Brown.

First, Brown was called out by local news outlets for trying to hide from his extreme record of opposing abortion even in cases of rape or incest, backing efforts to overturn the 2020 election, and pushing Trump’s MAGA agenda the last time he was a failed Senate candidate. As the Las Vegas Review-Journalreported: “During the 10-minute interview, Brown danced around some questions, not giving clear answers.”

Then, Brown caught flak for falsely claiming that he’s not a politician – despite this being his third run for political office and his second consecutive bid for Senate. Brown is a politician, he’s just never won a race.

Now, Brown is facing an all-out “primary brawl after Marchant’s campaign attacked Brown for being handpicked by the “D.C. swamp” and having lost two GOP primaries in multiple states. 

His other rumored opponent, Jeffrey Ross Gunter, also criticized Brown for being McConnell’s handpicked candidate, saying “we in Nevada do not want the swamp, do not want the DC elites, Mitch and others, telling us who’s going to be our next senatorial candidate.”

Nevada Democratic Spokesperson Johanna Warshaw
“If Sam Brown’s botched campaign launch is any indication, Nevada Republicans are going to spend the next year in a messy race to the bottom.” 


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