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NV Surgeon: As Medicare begins negotiating lower drug prices, Gov. Lombardo abandons Nevadans 

NV Surgeon: As Medicare begins negotiating lower drug prices, Gov. Lombardo abandons Nevadans 

A Las Vegas general surgeon blasted Governor Lombardo for vetoing Assembly Bill 250, which would have expanded the benefits of federal legislation lowering drug prices for Medicare recipients to all Nevadans. As Medicare begins its negotiation ...
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WATCH: NV Dems Releases New Digital Ad in Nevada Senate Race: “Non-negotiable”

WATCH: NV Dems Releases New Digital Ad in Nevada Senate Race: “Non-negotiable”

The Nevada State Democratic Party has launched a new digital ad in the Nevada Senate Race highlighting Mitch McConnell recruit Sam Brown’s support for a radical Texas abortion ban – an issue he called “non-negotiable.” Nevadans can ...
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MAGA Republicans’ Funding Bills Would Be Catastrophic for Nevadans

MAGA Republicans’ Funding Bills Would Be Catastrophic for Nevadans

This week, MAGA Republicans in Congress proposed extreme budget cuts that would raise costs, slash support for law enforcement, and undermine our economy — all while these same members are separately fighting ...
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McConnell Darling Sam Brown Skips Nevada GOP Event To Cozy Up to Party Bosses at D.C. Fundraiser

McConnell Darling Sam Brown Skips Nevada GOP Event To Cozy Up to Party Bosses at D.C. Fundraiser

While some Nevada GOP Senate candidates are set to gather in Mesquite today for a grassroots meet and greet, Mitch McConnell’s handpicked candidate Sam Brown will be roughly 2,320 miles away – cozying up to his ...
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NEW: Sam Brown Backed Far-Right Texas Abortion Ban, Calls Issue “Non-negotiable” 

NEW: Sam Brown Backed Far-Right Texas Abortion Ban, Calls Issue “Non-negotiable” 

Mitch McConnell’s handpicked candidate Sam Brown is on video backing a far-right Texas abortion ban and calling the issue “non-negotiable,” according to a breaking new report from the Nevada Independent today.  In newly uncovered ...
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Donald Trump Proposes Another Tax Scam 

Donald Trump Proposes Another Tax Scam 

Today, Nevada Democratic Party Chair Daniele Monroe-Moreno released the following statement on Donald Trump’s newest proposed tax scam:  “After spending his time in office lining the pockets of the biggest corporations and the ultra-wealthy ...
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Lombardo Continues to Hide Public Records, Imposing Exorbitant Fees as “Weapons of Secrecy”

Lombardo Continues to Hide Public Records, Imposing Exorbitant Fees as “Weapons of Secrecy”

Joe Lombardo is once again breaking his promise to be transparent with Nevadans. Now, an agency in his administration is imposing massive fees to prevent the release of public records. New reporting reveals the Nevada Department ...
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Lombardo’s Handpicked Appointee Votes to Sanction Lieutenant for Very Same Ethics Law Violation He Voted To Shield Lombardo From

Lombardo’s Handpicked Appointee Votes to Sanction Lieutenant for Very Same Ethics Law Violation He Voted To Shield Lombardo From

If it wasn’t already clear that Governor Joe Lombardo tried to stack the deck and dodge accountability by appointing two cronies to the Nevada Ethics Commission days before the Commission’s hearing on his violations ...
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