MEMO: Republicans Embrace Caucus Chaos As Democrats Leverage Primary Spotlight to Jump Start General Election Efforts

This year marks the first time Nevada will host a presidential preference primary as second in the nation in the Democratic nominating calendar. After moving from a party-run caucus to a state-run primary in 2021 to expand voter access, Democrats led the way in making voting easier than ever – and we’re seeing it pay off with our voters energized and coming out to support President Joe Biden:

  • Turnout among Democrats during early vote has already reached 90% of total turnout in the 2020 Democratic caucus;
  • Nonwhite voters make up a third of Democratic ballots cast;
  • Democratic turnout is dramatically outpacing Republican turnout – by more than 35,000 votes.

Meanwhile, the Nevada Republican Party is creating chaos among their party by hosting a party-run caucus on February 8th as well – just two days after the primary – in an effort to deliver the state for Trump.

With the national spotlight and increased attention on the top of the ticket, Democrats are using this primary as an opportunity to engage key constituency groups we know will be critical to our success in November, including AAPI, Latino, Black, Indigenous and young voters. 

Democrats have been building on our strong in-state infrastructure well in advance of the general election to ensure we have the team that will carry us to victory in November, all in stark contrast with Republicans, who will be forced to reap the consequences of their self-inflicted turmoil in the name of Donald Trump – who Nevada voters have already rejected twice.  

Nevada Democrats Capitalize on First in the West Primary With Eye Towards November

NV Dems and the Biden for Nevada team are working together to leverage the presidential preference primary to begin early engagement with the communities we know will make up our margin of victory. As a coordinated campaign with a track record of winning in the Silver State, our team hit the ground running in 2024 hosting events with community stakeholders, highlighting everything at stake in this election, building our volunteer base and energizing voters. 

As a majority-minority state, we are the third most diverse state in the country and the most diverse battleground. One of our main priorities has been to strengthen our relationships with key constituency voting blocs, communicate to them what’s at stake, and demonstrate how Democrats up and down the ballot are delivering for them.

Flanked by visits from Vice President Harris in East Las Vegas and President Biden in the Historic Westside, national surrogates also traveled to Nevada to support our efforts. In January, acting Secretary Julie Su hosted a conversation about the stakes of health care costs with AAPI voters, national abortion advocate Nancy Davis emphasized the threat of Donald Trump’s push for a national abortion ban, and Rep. Maxwell Frost met with Young Democrats of Nevada and UNLV students to discuss the Biden-Harris Administration’s work to curb gun violence, California Gov. Gavin Newsom distributed Biden-Harris yard signs in East Las Vegas and Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass joined NV Dems and the Nevada Legislative Black Caucus in voting in North Las Vegas.

NV Dems also joined the Nevada Latino and AANHPI Legislative Caucuses as well as Congresswoman Dina Titus and the state party’s women’s caucus in voting early.

State Republicans Bungle National Spotlight With Self-Inflicted Caucus Chaos

Meanwhile, the Nevada GOP fumbled their opportunity to organize their base and instead disenfranchised and confused their own voters all in order to rig the process for Donald Trump:

With the Nevada GOP being run by a fake elector recently indicted for attempting to steal the 2020 presidential election for Trump, it’s no surprise Republicans put the disgraced former president’s interests over the voices of their own voters. While they remain disjointed and in disarray, in contrast, Nevada Democrats are standing in solidarity with Joe Biden and creating a strong pathway to success in November.

Bottom Line

Nevada Democrats are prepared to defeat Donald Trump for the third time in 2024 and send Joe Biden and Kamala Harris back to the White House — early vote data proves it. The Silver State remains a crucial battleground that will not only decide the fate of the presidential election, but also determine which party controls the majorities in both houses of Congress.

The stakes have never been higher than they are right now. Heading into the general election, NV Dems will continue doing the work we have always done to ensure our voters are educated and energized. On November 5, Nevadans will choose unity and progress over divisiveness and chaos and re-elect Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Jacky Rosen, Dina Titus, Steven Horsford, and Susie Lee, as well as maintain our Democratic stronghold in the Nevada state legislature.



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