Multimillionaire Jeff Gunter: “I Will Self Fund If That’s What It Takes” to Win Messy MAGA GOP Primary in Nevada

Gunter doubles down on his $3.3 million ad buy and commits  to putting in whatever resources it takes to win the messiest GOP Senate primary in the country

Today, former Trump Ambassador Jeff Gunter announced that he would spend whatever it takes to win the MAGA primary in Nevada. This comes just one day after Gunter launched a multi-million dollar ad campaign across Nevada ahead of the June 11 GOP primary in a “major challenge” to Mitch McConnell’s preferred candidate, Sam Brown.

Gunter’s latest comments cement that Republicans will spend the next two and a half months desperately working to outspend and out-MAGA each other. As these Republicans continue proving their allegiance to Donald Trump and his toxic MAGA agenda, it will only become more obvious just how deeply out of step they are with Nevada voters.



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