Nevada Democrats File DOJ Complaint Against Brown for Failing to Disclose Texas Business Interests

Following new reporting from KTVN that revealed GOP Senate candidate Sam Brown failed to disclose his Texas business in apparent violation of federal law, Nevada Democrats have filed a complaint with the Department of Justice seeking an investigation into Brown’s efforts to hide his Texas roots from Nevada voters.

The complaint, filed by Nevada State Democratic Party Executive Director Hilary Barrett, details how Brown repeatedly left the Texas business he still managed off his Personal Financial Disclosure Reports during both his current and 2022 Senate bids. According to the Texas Secretary of State’s office, Brown is listed as the director and sole member of the business, which is actively registered in the state. 

It also requests that the DOJ investigate this matter and “seek all appropriate penalties and corrective action,” which could include civil penalties of up to $71,316. 

View the DOJ complaint HERE

“Sam Brown has shown that he will go to any length to hide his long-standing Texas ties from Nevada voters – even going so far as to leave his Texas business off of his Personal Financial Disclosure report in apparent violation of federal law,” said Nevada State Democratic Party Executive Director Hilary Barrett. “Voters have a right to know this critical information, and Brown must be held fully accountable for his shady attempts to conceal his Texas roots from Nevadans.” 


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