NEW: Gunter Launches First Attack Ad in Messy NV Sen GOP Primary

The messy Nevada Senate GOP primary just got messier with former Trump Ambassador Jeff Gunter launching his first TV ad of the cycle today on Fox News. The new ad directly attacks Mitch McConnell’s handpicked candidate Sam Brown for dodging questions about the 2024 presidential primary – despite Brown’s unequivocal past support for Donald Trump during his failed Senate campaign last year.

Gunter’s ad criticized Brown for being a three-time loser who’s “owned by the swamp” and now hiding his support for Trump from Nevada voters. In a social media post sharing the new ad, Gunter slammed “Swampy Scam Brown” as a “McConnell puppet.”

Nevada Democratic Party Spokesperson Johanna Warshaw
“The Nevada Senate GOP primary is quickly becoming one of the messiest and ugliest races in the country this cycle – with every one of these MAGA candidates moving even further to the right and out of step with Nevada voters.”


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