NEW POLL: Nevadans Overwhelmingly Support Legislative Democrats’ Agenda

New polling from The Nevada Independent shows constitutional abortion protections, gun safety measures are popular among Nevadans

The same week Governor Lombardo prioritized new office furniture over the safety of Nevada families, new polling shows Nevadans overwhelmingly support Democrats’ agenda to protect abortion rights, prevent gun violence, and lower the cost of prescription drugs. 

While Democrats remain committed to delivering for Nevada families, Lombardo and legislative Republicans couldn’t be more out of touch. Lombardo has yet to offer his support – or even weigh in – on these popular measures and despite only a third of Republican voters opposing SJR7 to codify abortion protections in the Constitution, Senators Buck and Gansert voted against it.

Read more below on Nevadans’ overwhelming support for legislative Democrats’ agenda.

The Nevada Independent: Poll: Majority of Nevadans back lottery, gun control, abortion protections in constitution

Tabitha Mueller
May 5, 2023

Key Points:

  • A new poll from The Nevada Independent and Noble Predictive Insights shows that most Nevada voters support big-ticket items before state lawmakers, including establishing a state lottery, capping drug prices, codifying abortion access in the state constitution and expanding gun control.
  • The April poll shows that 62 percent of respondents said they would support adding to the state constitution the right for a woman to obtain an abortion. 
  • Broken out by party affiliation, responses to the measure had overwhelming support among Democrats (84 percent), a majority of support from independents (60 percent) and a narrow plurality of support among Republicans (41 percent). 
  • The poll also showed that more than 70 percent of Nevada voters support the state capping drug prices to the rate negotiated by Medicare under President Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act. 
  • The Legislature is considering a bill, AB250, that would ensure the state piggybacks off of future Medicare-negotiated prescription drug prices once the federal insurance program for people 65 and older sets those prices. The bill passed out of the Assembly on a party-line vote in late April and awaits a hearing in the Senate.
  • Polling indicates more than 67 percent of registered voters support raising the minimum age to purchase a shotgun or long gun from 18 to 21 years old.
  • A bill that recently passed out of the Assembly, AB355, would raise the legal age for purchase or possession of semi-automatic shotguns and rifles from 18 to 21, and criminalize possession of such weapons for those under 21.
  • Support for those policies was bipartisan — 55 percent of Republicans supported raising the minimum age compared with 29 percent who opposed it. Eighty-three percent of Democrats and 65 percent of independents supported the policy.

Read the full story here



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