New Reporting Highlights Sam Brown’s Time As Local Chairman Of Extreme Anti-Abortion Group As He Attempts To Hide Extreme Record From Voters

Axios: Brown “is quietly reframing his work with a conservative group he led last year”

Breaking new reporting from Axios reveals that MAGA extremist Sam Brown was the local president and chairman of an extreme anti-abortion group, the Faith and Freedom Coalition, and is trying desperately to cover up his prominent leadership role at the radical anti-abortion organization.

Up until October 2023, Brown led the Nevada Faith and Freedom Coalition, “an offshoot of the national Faith and Freedom Coalition, a staunchly anti-abortion organization that has supported some of the toughest state-level abortion restrictions — including Texas’ ban on the procedure after six weeks of pregnancy.” The group has also called Roe v. Wade a “moral atrocity.” 

Read more about Brown’s work with the extreme anti-abortion group below: 

Axios: In Nevada, another GOP Senate contender downplays stance on abortion

Stephen Neukam

May 20, 2024

Key points:

  • The Republican frontrunner in Nevada’s hotly contested Senate race is quietly reframing his work with a conservative group he led last year, de-emphasizing its opposition to abortion and playing up his focus on other issues.
  • Why it matters: Sam Brown appears to be the most recent Republican to try to cloud their anti-abortion views ahead of the 2024 election, after a series of elections in which the GOP has been punished for orchestrating the fall of Roe v. Wade.
  • Brown is seeking the GOP nomination to unseat Sen. Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.) in a state that is a key battleground for the presidential race and the fight over which party will control the Senate.
  • Zoom in: Brown, who unsuccessfully sought the GOP Senate nomination two years ago, led the Nevada branch of the Faith and Freedom Coalition between his 2022 and 2024 campaigns.
  • The group is an offshoot of the national Faith and Freedom Coalition, a staunchly anti-abortion organization that has supported some of the toughest state-level abortion restrictions — including Texas’ ban on the procedure after six weeks of pregnancy.
  • Brown — a former Army captain who was severely burned after a roadside bomb detonated in Afghanistan in 2008 — was featured prominently on the state organization’s website before declaring his Senate candidacy last July, according to archives of the site.
  • Today, Brown’s footprint on the organization’s website essentially has been erased, aside from a 2022 press release announcing his appointment as the group’s chair.
  • His campaign website describes him as “pro-life,” but it’s unclear where he draws the line. He supported a 20-week ban when he ran for state office in Texas in 2014.
  • In Brown’s case, he’s facing a November ballot in Nevada that’s expected to include a broad measure to guarantee reproductive rights.
  • Rosen, along with Nevada Democrats, have cast Brown as a far-right backer of strict abortion limits.
  • Nevada Democrats have pointed to reports that Brown’s campaign website refers women considering abortions to counseling centers that encourage women to continue their pregnancies.



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