NEW REPORTING: Sam Brown is Missing From the Campaign Trail

American Journal News: “Brown has held only a handful of events and has not participated in any candidate forums or debates.”

Yesterday, new reporting highlighted Sam Brown’s glaring absence from the campaign trail, his unwillingness “to answer tough questions,” and the increasing attacks he’s facing from his fellow MAGA Republicans. 

After months of criticism, Brown pledged to start participating in primary debates after the candidate filing deadline this Friday, March 15 – all eyes are on Brown to see whether he keeps that promise, or whether he continues to hide from voters. 

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Katharine Kurz

“Sam Brown would rather skip campaign events and dodge voters than try to answer for a toxic record that he knows he cannot defend. Nevadans deserve a leader who respects them enough to show up for them, not someone who expects their votes.”

Read more about Brown’s absence from the campaign trail:

  • Republican U.S. Senate candidate Sam Brown is being accused of dodging interviews and skipping debates. His opponents say Brown is unwilling to answer tough questions.
  • At this point in his 2022 campaign, Brown had participated in at least 42 press interviews and held 31 in-person events. As of January 2024, Brown had done only 15 interviews and made 17 public appearances. Five of those appearances were outside of Nevada.
  • Brown has not participated in any debates or forums with his opponents. His campaign put out a statement following the Jan. 18 debate asserting that Brown’s polling and financial advantage made it unnecessary for him to attend. Another statement put out in the run up to a Feb. 15 forum said Brown would participate in debates after the March 15 candidate filing deadline. 
  • This did not stop Brown’s GOP opponents from attacking him.
  • “We joke within the campaign that Sam Brown’s favorite sport is dodgeball,” Republican Jeff Gunter said in a Feb. 16 radio interview. “Scam, Sam — whatever you want to call him — is just dodging.”
  • In 2022, Brown repeatedly attacked his opponent, former Attorney General of Nevada Adam Laxalt for skipping debates and holding out of state events. 
  • “We received confirmation that Adam Laxalt refuses to participate in the 8NewsNow prime time debate,” Brown tweeted in May 2022. “Adam Laxalt is a typical career politician — cowardly hiding from voters and any accountability for his history of failures. Nevadans deserve better, Nevadans demand better.”
  • A spokesperson for Brown did not immediately respond to questions for this story.



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