NEW: Sam Brown Cancels Rural Nevada Event to Speak At Out-Of-State BitCoin Conference

A column by Nevada Current editor Hugh Jackson slammed MAGA extremist Sam Brown for canceling a visit to Elko so he could go rub elbows with Donald Trump and Big Tech billionaires at a BitCoin conference in Nashville.

According to Jackson, Brown seems more interested in the “star-studded lineup” of the national conference than Elko County voters. 

Read more about Brown blowing off rural Nevada voters below:

Nevada Current (OPINION): Sam Brown cancels campaign visit to Elko for Bitcoin conference in Nashville

Hugh Jackson

July 25, 2024 

Key points:

  • Nevada Republican U.S. Senate candidate Sam Brown was scheduled to speak in Elko Saturday, part of his campaign’s “Rural Tour.” But the “Rural Tour” campaign stop was canceled due to, as the Elko County Republican Party put it on social media, “unintended circumstances.”
  • The unintended circumstances, it turns out, is a cryptocurrency conference in Tennessee. Instead of Elko on Saturday, Brown is now scheduled to be in Nashville to attend “Bitcoin24,” where he will participate in a half-hour early morning panel titled “Bitcoin as a winning political strategy.”
  • The conference’s main event will be remarks from none other than Donald Trump. His rants generally don’t mention crypto. But they are invariably cryptic, so close enough.
  • Charming and evocative as they are, the exhibits at Elko’s Cowboy Arts and Gear Museum evidently don’t interest Brown as much as a star-studded lineup of figures idolized by your contemporary neo-libertartian-cum-authoritarian tech bro crowd. And neither, apparently, do Elko County voters.
  • Elko is a Republican stronghold, and Brown needs to run up the vote in places that aren’t Clark and Washoe counties. Of course he’ll be campaigning in Elko again. But not this Saturday. He’s too busy bonding with crypto bros. Oh, and Trump, if he’s lucky.



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