NEW: Sam Brown – Once Again – Called Out for Trying to Hide His Extreme Anti-Abortion Record

CNN’s KFILE:  “Sam Brown’s position has shifted since he first ran unsuccessfully for a seat in the Texas Legislature in 2014”

New reporting from CNN’s KFILE highlights how MAGA extremist Sam Brown has quickly become the 2024 GOP poster child for his desperate efforts to try to “rewrite” his decade-long anti-abortion record. 

This is not the first time Sam Brown has been called out for his attempts to backtrack or change the tone of his extreme anti-abortion record, which includes supporting abortion bans with no exceptions for rape or incest, strongly supporting efforts to overturn Roe v. Wade and saying he would only vote for anti-choice Supreme Court justices and federal judges, and declaring that his anti-abortion position is “non-negotiable.”

Read more on Brown’s attempt to cover up his extreme record below:

CNN: Republican candidates downplay past anti-abortion stances ahead of 2024 election 

April 12, 2024

Key points:

  • Republican candidates in close races across the country who once fervently backed severe abortion restrictions are shifting how they talk about the issue.
  • In some cases, the changes have been overt, with candidates reversing course on supporting outright bans on abortion or even denying they ever opposed it. 
  • Sam Brown’s position has shifted since he first ran unsuccessfully for a seat in the Texas Legislature in 2014.
  • During a candidate forum in January 2014, Brown said he supported a 2013 Texas abortion bill introduced by Republicans banning abortion at 20 weeks, which did not include exceptions for cases of rape or incest. 
  • “On issues of life, that is a nonnegotiable for me. We’ve got to do everything we can to empower our state, make sure that it stays on the books,” Brown said referring to the 2013 bill, which ultimately passed.
  • During an ultimately unsuccessful bid for US Senate in Nevada in 2022, Brown answered a questionnaire in which he listed the only circumstance for abortion he supported would be “risk of life to the mother.”



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