NV Dems Chair Daniele Monroe-Moreno Slams Donald Trump and Sam Brown for Anti-Choice Agenda

After Alabama’s Supreme Court Ruling restricting IVF treatment, NV Dems Chair Daniele Monroe-Moreno slammed Donald Trump and Sam Brown for their support of banning abortion. Last week, English and Spanish billboards went up across the state to remind Nevadans of Trump’s role in overturning Roe V. Wade, which opened the door for these attacks on women’s reproductive rights. Brown, who also pushed for the overturning of Roe V. Wade, is desperately trying to cover up his toxic, unpopular anti-abortion agenda now that it is an election year.

Read more about Trump and Brown’s anti-choice agenda below: 

KTVN: NVDEMS put abortion-rights front and center

Josh Meny

  • Nevada Democrats are launching a new billboard campaign focusing on former President Donald Trump’s vocal support of banning abortion and stopping federal protections for In vitro fertilization (IVF).
  • “Reminding people where we are in America, right? Donald Trump has continually bragged about being the reason Roe v. Wade was overturned. He has bragged about making sure we have Supreme Court justices to do that overturning, so it’s reminding people what’s at stake when they go to vote,” said Nevada Democrats Chairperson and Las Vegas Assemblywoman Daniele Monroe-Moreno.
  • Democrats argue Trump’s nomination of select conservative Supreme Court Justices is what led to last week’s federal clash over fertility care that an Alabama court sparked by granting legal personhood to frozen embryos.
  • NV Dems are also directing their attention towards Republican candidates running for lower offices, including Republican U.S. Senate Candidate Sam Brown.
  • They argue that Brown supported the overturning of Roe v. Wade and has a track record of supporting anti-abortion bills.
  • Senator Jacky Rosen’s team issued a statement suggesting positions on abortion rights like those held by Brown are what led to the Alabama case.
  • “Sam Brown strongly supported the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade and reversing 50 years of legal precedent protecting a woman’s freedom to decide for herself how and when to start a family,” the campaign statement said. “We won’t let Nevada voters forget that anti-abortion extremists like Brown opened the door for this dangerous attack on families pursuing fertility treatments.”



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