NV Dems Chair Statement Following Trump Speech, Third GOP Presidential Debate

Nevada State Democratic Party Chair Daniele Monroe-Moreno released the following statement reacting to Donald Trump’s speech and the third GOP presidential debate:

“Tonight, every single Republican candidate talked in circles as they attempted to out-MAGA each other on their fringe and dangerous platforms. Donald Trump may not have been on the debate stage, but one thing is obvious: The entire GOP field would expand on his failed MAGAnomics agenda that left Nevada families behind. The reality is that if any of these candidates are elected to the presidency, they would support abortion bans, prop up the ultra-wealthy and corporations, increase our deficit, and enact policies that could make everyday life unaffordable for Nevadans. The danger that they pose to the Silver State cannot be overstated. While Republicans continue to fight over who is the most extreme, President Biden and Vice President Harris are delivering real results for Nevada’s working families — strengthening our middle class, lowering costs, and safeguarding Americans’ hard-fought freedoms.”



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