NV Dems Chair Statement on President Biden’s Victory in First in the West Primary

Nevada State Democratic Party Chair Daniele Monroe-Moreno released the following statement on President Joe Biden winning the Nevada Democratic Primary:

“Today, Nevada voters once again displayed that our diverse coalition is energized and ready to send President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris back to the White House and showed why we deserve to be second in the nation. Our historic First in the West primary has set the stage for the general election as Nevada Democrats continue to engage and elevate the key constituencies that will lay the groundwork for victory this year, with communities of color and labor voices at the forefront. 

“Nevadans understand that this year’s election is a choice between more freedoms versus less, making progress versus moving backwards, protecting democracy versus emboldening dictators, and so much more. With so much at stake, it’s clear from tonight’s results that Nevadans are ready to reject Donald Trump once again and reelect President Biden and Vice President Harris this November.”

Nevada Democrats moved from a party-run caucus process to a state-run presidential preference primary to ensure more Nevadans could have their voices heard at the ballot box. Nevada’s status as a majority-minority state and the most diverse battleground in the nation, in addition to our strong union population and accessible voting laws, launched the state to second in the nation in the Democratic nominating calendar.



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