NV Dems Chair Statement on Results of Trump’s Caucus Chaos

Nevada State Democratic Party Chair Daniele Monroe-Moreno released the following statement on the results of today’s rigged Nevada GOP caucus:

“Tonight’s results were preordained thanks to the Nevada GOP sowing dysfunction in their own party and fabricating a sham caucus in order to rig the process for Donald Trump. The disarray that Trump and Republicans created is just a preview of the mess to come over the next 10 months as they continue to do everything they can to manipulate and decimate our democracy.

“As Nevadans turn to November, the stakes have never been higher and the contrast never clearer. Donald Trump is a threat to Nevadans’ hard-won rights and freedoms – from planning to make the ultra-wealthy even richer at the expense of the middle class, to supporting a national abortion ban that would supersede Nevada’s current protections, to pledging to roll back critical investments that are lowering costs for our families. With so much at stake, Nevada voters are clear-eyed and fired up to send President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris back to the White House and reject Donald Trump and his MAGA agenda once again.”



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