NV Dems Launches New Video Spotlighting Sam Brown’s Extreme MAGA Agenda

New digital video highlights Brown’s extreme MAGA agenda that is wrong for Nevada

Today, the Nevada State Democratic Party released a new digital video spotlighting Sam Brown’s extreme MAGA agenda, which includes pushing to ban abortion, repealing the Affordable Care Act, dismantling the Department of Education, and storing the nation’s nuclear waste in Nevada. 

Throughout the week, NV Dems will continue highlighting Brown’s extreme record during the Sam Brown: Too Extreme for Nevada Tour, which will hold stops across the state, convening local advocates and experts to discuss just how dangerous Brown’s agenda is and the stakes of the U.S. Senate election. 



[VO]: Sam Brown will do anything to get elected – including hiding his extreme MAGA agenda. 

But his record includes support for dangerous and out-of-touch plans. 

He supported a radical plan that banned abortion with no exceptions for rape or incest.

[SAM BROWN]: We can move on to the issue of life, I would have supported the legislation that passed this last special session. 

[VO]: He supported an extreme plan to phase out Social Security and Medicare in just five years. Brown said that Rick Scott’s plan to terminate Social Security and Medicare is…

[SAM BROWN]: Something that I admire as well.

[VO]: He supports eliminating entire federal agencies, including the Department of Education, putting essential funding for Nevada schools and students on the chopping block.

And Brown supports making Nevada the nation’s nuclear waste dumping ground…

[SAM BROWN]: Nevada could use another great source of revenue and it sure would be a shame if we didn’t monopolize on that and become a central hub of new development. 

[VO]: Sam Brown is another shady politician who will say or do anything to get elected, and he’s trying to hide his far-right MAGA agenda.

The truth is that he’s too extreme for Nevada. 



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