NV Dems LGBTQIA+ Caucus Statement on Pride Month

Nevada State Democratic Party LGBTQIA+ Caucus released the following statement on Pride Month:

“Time and time again, Nevada Democrats have shown up and shown out for the LGBTQIA+ community. From Nevada being the first state to codify same-sex marriage rights in our constitution to protecting access for gender affirming care. Democrats are the party of acceptance and inclusion. With all of that progress, LGBTQIA+ individuals still face an onslaught of attacks from MAGA extremists on marriage equality, affirming health care, and their ability to start a family. We know that Donald Trump is running to rip Nevadans’ freedoms away, and the MAGA extremists at the helm of the NVGOP have followed his lead — constantly opposing protections for the LGBTQIA+ community. There’s a home in our party for every Nevadan and we remain steadfast in our commitment to protecting the fundamental rights of our neighbors and community members.”



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