NV Dems Phonebank in Elko, Host Dinner in White Pine on Statewide Kitchen Table Tour

Yesterday, on day four of the statewide Kitchen Table Tour NV Dems Chair Daniele Monroe-Moreno held a meeting and phonebanked with Owyhee Democrats in Elko County, held a leaders luncheon with NV Dems 1st Vice Chair Daniel Corona in West Wendover, and hosted a dinner with White Pine Dems Chair Woody Howard. 

The Kitchen Table Tour will stretch across all 17 counties and focus on talking to Nevadans about the issues that matter most to them and their families. This tour will allow the state party to connect with local leaders, Democratic stakeholders and community members in every corner of the state.

See below for pictures from our tour: 

[Elko County] 

[White Pine County]



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