NV Dems Statement on Major GOP Senate Primary Candidates’ Desperation to Prove Their Loyalty to Trump

Trump called out Brown, Gunter, Marchant at his MAGA rally in Las Vegas today

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Katharine Kurz released the following statement on Sam Brown, Jeff Gunter, Jim Marchant, and other GOP Senate candidates attending Donald Trump’s Las Vegas rally and showing their allegiance to his toxic agenda:

“The Republicans running for Nevada Senate are all desperate to prove their loyalty and devotion to Donald Trump so they can win over the far-right MAGA wing of their party. Trump’s total control of the GOP is putting the squeeze on every one of these Republican Senate candidates to kiss the ring while escalating the nasty infighting in this divisive primary. Whoever makes it out of this mess will have to own and defend all of Trump’s baggage with independent voters for the rest of the campaign.”

During his remarks, Trump called out three of the Republicans running for Senate – Gunter, Brown, and Marchant – saying it’s going to “be a very good race, we’ll see what happens.” Trump used his speech to attack Nikki Haley as a “bird brain,” disparage the bipartisan effort in the Senate to secure the border, and criticize NATO and U.S. support for Ukraine against Russia’s invasion while the GOP contenders all stood in support.

What to know about the MAGA-fueled Nevada Senate GOP primary:

Inside Elections:Nevada “features the most crowded GOP primary of any 2024 Senate race”

American Journal News: Brown “is an election denier and anti-abortion extremist but support from McConnell and other D.C. insiders have made him a target for his competitors in the Republican primary.”

Fox News: GOP frontrunner Sam Brown in crosshairs after skipping Nevada Senate debate

Reno Gazette Journal: Nevada Republican debate for US Senate has recurring theme: ‘Don’t vote for Sam Brown’ 

AP: “Nearly every candidate called out Brown for his absence and described him as an establishment candidate not willing to face voters

Nevada Independent: “Jim Marchant and Jeff Gunter had already endorsed Trump, and frequently hammered Brown on his lack of support. Gunter, in particular, has been active online in criticizing Brown, calling him a “Never Trumper” and “RINO,” or “Republican in Name Only.” 



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