NV Dems Statement on Texas Ruling on Mifepristone

In response to a federal judge for the Northern District of Texas ruling to move to block access to the abortion pill mifepristone, Nevada State Democratic Party Chair Daniele Monroe-Moreno released the following statement: 

“Less than a year after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade, this ruling comes as yet another devastating blow for millions of Americans whose reproductive rights are under attack. Though Nevadans spoke loud and clear over thirty years ago and overwhelmingly voted to enshrine abortion protections in our statute, this decision will severely limit abortion access in our state.

“It’s disturbing to see a Trump-appointed judge move to block access to a safe and FDA-approved medication just to advance MAGA Republicans’ anti-choice agenda. Let’s be very clear: these extremist politicians won’t stop until abortion is banned nationwide, serving as another reminder of how critical it is that we elect pro-choice leaders up and down the ballot. 

“Nevada Democrats will always fight to protect the right to choose in our state, and we will push back against any attempts at the federal or state level to restrict access to reproductive care.”


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