NV Dems Statement on the Passage of SJR7

Following the Nevada Assembly’s party line vote to pass SJR7 to give voters the ability to enshrine abortion protections in the constitution, Nevada State Democratic Party Chair Daniele Monroe-Moreno released the following statement:

“After Roe was overturned, anti-abortion judges and politicians now have the power to weaken Nevadans’ reproductive rights with a single ruling, making it more important than ever to defend our right to an abortion. Because of Nevada Democrats’ leadership, we are now one step closer to strengthening Nevadans’ reproductive freedoms and enshrining our state level abortion protections in the constitution.

“Despite the overwhelming majority of Nevadans – Republican and Democrat – supporting SJR7, every single Republican in the legislature voted against it. It’s disappointing but not surprising to see Nevada Republicans prioritize their anti-choice base and ignore the will of voters.

“Governor Lombardo hasn’t even uttered a word on SJR7 after repeatedly saying on the campaign trail that he would support sending changes to our state’s abortion protections to a vote of the people. Nevadans deserve a governor whose word actually means something – not just another out of touch politician.”



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