Yesterday, on day two of the NV Dems’ statewide Kitchen Table Tour, NV Dems Chair Daniele Monroe-Moreno and ASDC Chair Ken Martin hosted breakfast with Churchill County Chair Cathi Tuni and Fallon Paiute Shoshone leaders, traveled to Dayton to hold a Cup of Kamala with Lyon County Chair Tony Stephenson, knocked doors in Minden with Douglas County Chair Lori McKimmey, cruised over to Carson to host a Root Beer Floats and Blue Cheers event with Carson City Chair Lewis Hardy, and ended the day in Virginia City with Storey County Chair Bruce Morrison for a meet and greet with Storey County Dems.
The Kitchen Table Tour will stretch across all 17 counties and focus on talking to Nevadans about the issues that matter most to them and their families. This tour will allow the state party to connect with local leaders, Democratic stakeholders and community members in every corner of the state and discuss issues from Social Security and Medicare to climate action, lowering costs, veterans’ needs and more.
See below for pictures from our tour:
[Churchill County]
[Lyon County]
[Douglas County]
[Carson City]

[Storey County]