#NVLeg Watch: Dems Champion Abortion Protections, NV GOP Slams…The GOP

This week, Democrats passed legislation to protect abortion rights and got a shout out from VP Harris, while Republicans pushed their MAGA agenda opposing gun safety legislation, undermining our elections, and restricting reproductive rights. And who could forget about the NV GOP going after their own elected officials?? Keep reading for all the highlights!

Dems Deliver

Senate Democrats unanimously passed two measures this week to protect abortion rights: SJR7 to enshrine abortion rights in the Constitution and SB131 to protect abortion providers and patients from punishment by other states. 

KTVN: Nevada Senate Passes SJR7 & SB131, Now Heads to Assembly for Vote

Their progress was recognized by Vice President Harris who applauded them for leading the way on abortion rights.

Las Vegas Review-Journal: Harris praises Nevada for protecting abortion rights

Legislative Democrats are working to protect voting rights and keep our elections safe and secure while Republicans continue to undermine them.

Nevada Current: Here’s the state of play on election bills being considered by Nevada legislators

MAGA Moments

Looks like the Nevada Republican Party has a new job – attacking Republicans. We didn’t know it was possible but the NV GOP’s in-fighting is getting even messier; RNC committeewoman Sigal Chattah is going after the governor, while the state party blasted two of their state Senators for supporting SB131.

As the bill moves one step closer to the governor’s desk, we’re still waiting for Lombardo to directly answer whether or not he’ll sign it. And while we’re on the subject, Lombardo still hasn’t told Nevadans his position on SJR7, despite saying on the campaign trail that he supports whatever the voters decide. Maybe that only applied to abortion restrictions, not protections?

KTVN: “We did reach out to Governor Joe Lombardo for a statement on the proposed amendment. We haven’t heard back yet.”

Nevada Republicans are still firmly in the grasp of the gun lobby, with both chambers unanimously opposing gun safety legislation – again. No surprise after Assembly Republicans opposed the legislation before it even had a hearing.

KLAS: SB171 passed on a party line vote — 13-8 — to win Senate approval and advance to the Assembly. The bill seeks to prevent people convicted of hate crimes from buying, owning or possessing a firearm for 10 years following their conviction.

KLAS: SB171 passed on a party line vote — 13-8 — to win Senate approval and advance to the Assembly. The bill seeks to prevent people convicted of hate crimes from buying, owning or possessing a firearm for 10 years following their conviction.

Stay tuned for more updates next week!



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