#NVLeg Watch: Lombardo Betrays Law Enforcement During National Police Week, Dems Continue Delivering on Safety & Abortion Rights

Democrats pushed forward popular legislation that protects abortion rights and prevents gun violence, while Governor Lombardo spent the entire week turning his back on law enforcement and proving what we knew all along – he never really cared about public safety. Keep reading for all the highlights!

Dems Deliver

Democrats advanced legislation to make communities safer, sending gun violence prevention bills to Governor Lombado’s desk – legislation widely supported by a majority of Nevadans.

KLAS: 3 gun control bills headed to Lombardo’s desk as Democrats push agenda

Then, Assembly Democrats passed a bipartisan bill to codify a Sisolak Executive Order out of committee, moving abortion protections one step closer to Lombardo’s desk.

The Nevada Independent: Members of the Assembly Commerce and Labor Committee voted along party lines Wednesday (with all Republicans opposed) to pass SB131, a bill from Senate Majority Leader Nicole Cannizzaro (D-Las Vegas) that seeks to codify former Gov. Steve Sisolak’s executive order protecting out-of-state abortion seekers.

Attorney General Ford is bringing billions of settlement dollars into the state as he works to protect Nevadans and hold corporations accountable.

Las Vegas Review-Journal: AG brings Nevada big bucks in lawsuits

MAGA Moments

Governor Lombardo made it his mission this week to see how many times he could betray law enforcement and disregard public safety during National Police Week. Spoiler alert:

First, he sold out Nevadans to the extreme gun lobby by vetoing three popular gun safety bills.

Las Vegas Sun Editorial: Governor chooses criminals over the safety of everyday Nevadans 

Just minutes later, Lombardo voted against pay raises for Nevada State Police.

The Nevada Independent: State police union slams Lombardo for vote against bargaining agreement

That same day, his office threatened to veto the budget if Lombardo’s out of touch priorities aren’t addressed. If he doesn’t sign a budget by the end of session, critical state services could be shut down, endangering public safety.

Associated Press: Nevada gov. vetoes gun-control bills, threatens to ax proposed state budget

Finally, Lombardo endorsed fake elector and Clark County GOP Chair Jesse Law, who has spread baseless election conspiracies that led to a violent insurrection and the death of officers.

We’re getting to the home stretch, folks – stay tuned for more updates in the final weeks! 



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