Only Six Percent of Americans Approve of Sam Brown’s Top Backer Mitch McConnell

New polling shows that only six percent of Americans approve of Sam Brown’s top backer Mitch McConnell – making him the least popular leader in Congress. It’s bad news for Brown, who was personally recruited by McConnell and fundraised alongside the wildly unpopular Minority Leader in D.C. just earlier this month. 

According to Fox News, McConnell is the “the only congressional leader with a net negative approval rating from within his own party, and fell far behind his Democrat and Republican colleagues on how they are viewed by the American public.” 

It’s no wonder Brown’s GOP opponents have seized on his close ties to McConnell – with Jeff Gunter even releasing an ad slamming “Swampy Scam Brown” and calling him a “McConnell puppet.”

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Johanna Warshaw
“Sam Brown’s third doomed campaign for office is sinking almost as fast as his top backer Mitch McConnell’s approval numbers.”


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