Questions for Nevada GOP Senate Candidates If You See Them Caucusing for Trump Tomorrow

Every major GOP Senate candidate endorsed Trump’s campaign, are desperately vying for his support

Tomorrow is MAGA Republicans’ rigged caucus in Nevada. Every major Nevada Senate primary GOP candidate is desperately vying for Trump’s support, embracing the state GOP’s scheme to rig the caucus for Trump, and aligning themselves with his extreme MAGA agenda that has already been rejected by Nevadans twice.

Here are some questions to ask if you see Sam Brown, Jeff Gunter, Jim Marchant or any of the GOP Senate candidates at a caucus site tomorrow:

  • Would you support the sweeping abortion restrictions that Trump’s allies are prepping for him to pass Day One if elected? 
  • Like Trump, do you also think an economic crash would be good for your campaign?
  • Do you think it was smart for the state GOP to hold a caucus separate from the statewide primaries to ensure Trump’s victory? 
  • Do you support MAGA extremists  decision to put politics ahead of voting for a bipartisan solution to solve the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border by opposing the bill before the text even came out?



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