QUICK CLIP: Reno TV Reporter Exposes Sam Brown for Refusing to Talk to Voters and Local Press, Continuing Pattern of Dodging Tough Questions

“He’s not ready to answer difficult questions from us”

MAGA extremist Sam Brown is being called out by local press for refusing to sit down for an interview with Fox 11 Reno or even answer basic questions about his deeply unpopular views on abortion, Yucca Mountain, and slashing Medicare and Social Security. As reporter Ben Margiott put it: “he’s not ready to answer difficult questions from us.” 

Just last month, Brown was caught on tape walking away from Margiott when asked about whether or not he planned to finally face his fellow primary opponents on the debate stage.

Ben Margiott:Notably absent from that list was Sam Brown. And we, you know, made our best effort. You know, we reached out to him. He initially scheduled– “

Chris Murphy: Multiple times you reached out.”

Ben Margiott: That’s correct. He initially scheduled, he was on our schedule. He canceled. We then set up, because of a scheduling conflict. We then said okay, here are 2 or 3 different dates and times that could work, and then it’s been radio silent since then. … Hasn’t responded to us yet. And if you watch the story earlier today, I mean, we pressed him on why he wasn’t participating in debates back in March and instead of trying to answer that question he just walked out of frame. And so that’s a moment that people kind of captured on an and have been posting. And so I think he’s not ready to answer difficult questions from us.



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