QUICK CLIP: Sam Brown Again Refuses to Support Nevada Ballot Initiative to Protect Abortion Rights in the State Constitution

In new interview, Brown dodged questions about whether he will vote against permanently protecting abortion access in Nevada because he is an anti-abortion extremist

MAGA extremist Sam Brown is once again refusing to support the upcoming ballot initiative to protect abortion rights in the Nevada constitution this November. In a new interview with KTVN in Reno, Brown dodged a pointed question about whether he would vote against permanently protecting abortion access in Nevada law as he tries to cover up yet another example of his anti-abortion views.

The Nevadans For Reproductive Freedom campaign amassed over 200,000 petition signatures, “almost twice the number of petition signatures needed to qualify a measure for the November ballot.”

​Josh Meny: “There is a petition that will be on the November 5th ballot to protect access to abortion. When you go in on November 5th into the voting booth, what are your thoughts on that petition? Because you’re going to have to vote on it.”

​Sam Brown: “Yeah, I’ll be one of approximately one and a half million voters at that point in time. And, and I have always said whether it was a decade ago or yesterday that this issue is something that should be addressed by the voters in their states. And so I respect that, I have always respected that, and the voters of Nevada will again determine what the approach is.”

This comes on the heels of new reporting about Brown’s time leading the state chapter of a “hardline anti-abortion group.” Brown served as the local president and chairman of an extreme anti-abortion group, the Faith and Freedom Coalition, and was then caught desperately trying to cover up his prominent leadership role at the radical anti-abortion organization. 

Further investigation revealed that Brown’s personal super PAC is being run by Lance Lemmonds, who served as communications director for the Faith and Freedom Coalition and founded the coalition’s Nevada chapter. 

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Katharine Kurz

“Sam Brown has a decade-long record of opposing abortion rights. Now, with reproductive freedom under unprecedented attack, Brown is refusing to support an initiative to permanently protect access to abortion in Nevada’s state constitution because he is putting his own anti-abortion political agenda ahead of what’s best for Nevada.”



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