Quick Clip: Sam Brown Panders to MAGA Base as Right-Wing Media Tour Continues

As GOP Primary heats up, MAGA extremist Sam Brown continues his right-wing media tour to praise Donald Trump

MAGA extremist Sam Brown went on OAN again this week to praise Donald Trump as he continues his right-wing media tour in a desperate attempt to pander to the far-right wing of his party. 


Here are some lowlights from Brown’s latest interview: 

  • “The people need President Trump back.”
  • “Eight years ago, I was, you know, a father and a husband who voted for President Trump. Four years ago, I was so excited about his leadership and the policies that was making America great again.”
  • “And so four years ago, I took my activism out and knocked doors, I volunteered for President Trump.”
  • “We have got to return back to those same policies that President Trump was leading with.”

This GOP Senate primary is an ugly, messy, expensive race to the far-right. Sam Brown and his MAGA opponents will do anything to prove their allegiance to Trump — and they are proving just how out of step they are with Nevada voters along the way.



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