RECAP: Donald Trump’s Bizarre Last Visit to Las Vegas

We watched Trump’s press conference so you don’t have to!

Last week, Donald Trump parachuted into our state and added to his worst Nevada lowlights with more lies, mistruths, and outright weird comments. 

Here are some lowlights from Trump’s last visit:

  • When bragging about his role in the overturning of Roe v. Wade, Trump said that “what we’ve done is so right,” and “everybody wanted it.” Most Nevadans in fact do not want a national abortion ban. 
  • Trump said, “I don’t know how we can lose,” when asked about his prospects in Nevada. Donald Trump famously lost Nevada in 2016 and 2020
  • He said he “delivered the largest” tax cuts in the “history of our country.” This is a lie, however Trump did gift tax breaks to billionaires on the backs of the middle class. The top 1 percent, those making $2.5 million a year, received the largest tax cuts under Trump. 
  • Trump said, “A lot of people lie, they’ll do anything to get elected.” This is actually true. He was found to have lied over 30,000 times during his presidency and MAGA extremists in the state legislature are lying to voters now.
  • Trump claimed that immigrants are taking Black and Hispanic jobs. We were unable to clarify exactly what Black and Hispanic jobs are.
  • And Trump still doesn’t know how to pronounce Nevada. 

See more of Trump’s Silver State lowlights here.



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