RECAP: Republicans Duke It Out in Messy Nevada Senate Primary

The race to the right in Nevada is in full swing as the crowded field of Senate Republican candidates duke it out over who is most aligned with the ultra-MAGA wing of their party. Here are the latest attacks flying in Nevada’s increasingly chaotic GOP primary: Former Trump Ambassador Jeff Gunter released a new attack ad calling “Scam” Brown a “McConnell puppet” who’s “embroiled in one scandal after another.” 
Jeff Gunter and the National Republican Senatorial Committee traded barbs over a Fox News story criticizing Gunter over his attendance at the Reykjavik Pride Parade in 2020. The NRSC called Jeff Gunter’s response to the article “unhinged” – leading him to clap back and say it was “pretty unhinged” of the NRSC “to plant a fake story to protect your failing McConnell puppet Scam Brown.” 
Tony Grady accused Sam Brown of being “on the wrong side of history” for his embrace of Tommy Tuberville’s anti-choice hold on military promotions and for having “fundraised off of putting our military in harm’s way.”


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