REMINDER: Donald Trump Wants to Gift More Tax Breaks to the Rich at Working Nevadans’ Expense

With Christmas just days away, here’s a reminder that exactly six years ago, Donald Trump gifted billions of dollars in tax cuts to the ultra-wealthy and corporations while hardworking Nevada families footed the bill – and he wants to do it again. Trump has pledged to make his MAGAnomics tax scam permanent and cut taxes for the extremely rich while gutting investments in middle-class Nevadans. 

It’s always been clear that Trump wants to stuff his ultra-rich friends’ stockings and leave working Nevadans behind. If he’s elected president again, there’s no doubt that all that Nevada families will be left with are lumps of coal.

Here’s a look at the consequences of Trump’s disastrous tax scam: 

  • Trump’s tax scam gave billions of dollars in tax cuts to the extremely wealthy and largest corporations while leaving everyday Nevada families behind. These so-called tax cuts ballooned the national debt.
  • In the final year of Trump’s presidency, the richest 5% of Nevada taxpayers were projected to receive 57% of the state’s share of tax cuts.
  • Through Trump’s tax scam, the richest 1% received tax cuts that were 281 times greater than the cut for the majority of Latinos across Nevada.
  • After using their windfall from Trump’s tax scam, companies laid off over 1,000 workers across Nevada.



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