REMINDER: Sam Brown Fundraised Off of Tuberville’s Anti-Choice Military Blockade; Refuses to Condemn Dangerous Agenda

As some Senate Republicans grow even louder in their calls for Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville to finally drop his dangerous blockade of key military promotions, it’s a stark reminder that Sam Brown fundraised off of Tuberville’s anti-choice crusade – and has refused for months to condemn this dangerous agenda. 

Now, with Republicans and Democrats condemning Tuberville’s military blockade that is putting America’s national security at risk, Brown’s embrace of Tuberville’s anti-choice crusade despite bipartisan opposition shows just how extreme he is on opposing reproductive rights. 

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Johanna Warshaw
“By standing behind Senator Tuberville’s dangerous, anti-choice military blockade, Brown is proving once again that he’s an anti-choice extremist who puts partisan politics ahead of national security and would vote to ban abortion nationwide.” 


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