REMINDER: Sam Brown Has Fought to Repeal the Affordable Care Act His Entire Political Career 

On the anniversary of the ACA being signed into law, here’s your reminder that Brown wants to take away critical coverage from 360,000 Nevadans

Since the Affordable Care Act was signed into law over a decade ago, millions of Americans – including 362,000 Nevadans – are now receiving critical health care coverage and increased access to potentially lifesaving treatments and screenings.

MAGA extremist Sam Brown has spent his entire political career fighting to repeal the widely popular ACA, including: 

  • During his failed run for Texas State House in 2014, Brown said that the ACA should not be adopted or supported in any way, shape, or form and called for resisting the ACA as much as possible.
  • On current and past campaign websites, Brown has made attacking the ACA one of the main tenets of his health care policy.
  • Brown also called provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act to cap insulin costs at $35/month for seniors and give Medicare the power to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices a “big loss for the American people.”

If Brown and the right-wing leaders of his party had it their way and repealed the ACA, hundreds of thousands of Nevadans would lose their coverage, return to being discriminated against for pre-existing conditions, be forced to pay higher premiums, pay more for prescription drugs and lose access to preventative care.

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Katharine Kurz

“Sam Brown is – once again – deeply out of step with hardworking families across Nevada who rely on the ACA for health care. Brown’s plan is clear: to drive up health care and prescription drug costs, and threaten protections for people with preexisting conditions.”



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