Sam Brown Continues MAGA Media Tour Praising Trump, Refuses to Answer Questions from Nevada Press on Key Issues

Sam Brown spent last week appearing on far-right media shows praising Donald Trump, while refusing to answer questions from Nevada press

MAGA extremist Sam Brown is continuing his far-right MAGA media tour this past week, joining NewsMax (twice), Ruthless Podcast, and FOX News Radio to tout his close ties with Donald Trump and reaffirm his willingness to be a rubber stamp for the disgraced former president. 

Meanwhile, Brown has repeatedly refused to answer questions from local Nevada reporters on a range of issues – including his support for the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade two years ago and refusal to support a bipartisan bump stock ban that Senator Jacky Rosen is fighting to pass – proving once again that he is deeply out of step with the state he’s trying to represent.

Read the lowlights from Brown’s latest stops on his MAGA media tour:

NewsMax: “…if we don’t take the Senate back, President Trump’s agenda will not be put through”

  • “I’ve got to remind viewers, if we don’t take the Senate back, President Trump’s agenda will not be put through and we won’t be able to get his appointments into those key cabinet positions. And so that’s why Nevada in this case is such a critical race.”

NewsMax: “So I was honored to be able to receive [Donald Trump’s endorsement]”

  • “You know, anytime President Trump makes an endorsement, it’s going to help out in a huge way. So I was honored to be able to receive that. President Trump gave me a call after he departed from the rally the other day, and just told me that he had his, his full faith and trust in my ability to get this done”

Ruthless Podcast: “President Trump wins on day one… I’ll be all over that”

  • “The good news is, President Trump wins on day one, he can start to put a lot of stuff in place and in action. And to the extent that, you know, he needs a Senate to help, whether that’s, you know, confirmation of, of good folks to get rid of the Biden folks, or funding for, you know, completing the border wall system. You know, I’ll be all over that” 

FOX News Radio: “We have the ability to confirm people who will go help execute the strategic goals of President Trump” 

  • “You know, President Trump, when elected, can do a lot to begin to sort of reverse what Biden has done through over 80 executive actions. But he needs a Congress that will also back him up and support him on that.”
  • “We have the ability to confirm people who will go help execute the strategic goals of President Trump and have a Republican majority in the Senate and hopefully the house as well.” 



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