Sam Brown Is Skipping Yet Another Primary Debate

Tomorrow is the second major GOP primary debate of the cycle Brown has skipped after calling for multiple primary debates during his last failed Senate bid

Nevada Senate GOP candidates will meet on Thursday evening in Las Vegas for the second major debate of the primary, but one notable MAGA challenger is planning to skip out on the event once again. 
Mitch McConnell’s handpicked candidate Sam Brown has made it clear he does not want to be forced to debate his primary opponents, despite repeatedly calling for primary debates during his failed 2022 Senate primary bid. This strikes a very different tone from when Brown called Adam Laxalt a “typical career politician” who was too busy “with Mitch McConnell and an audience of DC lobbyists” for refusing to debate him in primetime last cycle.

During the last Senate GOP debate in January, nearly every Republican candidate piled on Brown for refusing to face Nevada primary voters – calling him a “Texas interloper,” one of “the carpetbaggers,” and a “failed career politician” who Nevada voters have “already proven that they don’t want […] in the Senate.” 

As the DC establishment’s anointed candidate, Brown is desperately trying to avoid defending his toxic record that includes his late-to-the-game endorsement of Trump after failed attempts to hide his extreme MAGA views, his scam PAC that swindled grassroots Republican donors to pay off his own campaign debts, and his extreme and widely unpopular opposition to abortion rights. 

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Katharine Kurz

“Sam Brown is a hypocrite who would rather hide from voters in his own party than be forced to answer for his toxic record. Brown has become the kind of career politician he was railing against less than two years ago, putting himself and his out-of-state special interest backers ahead of talking to Nevadans.”



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