Sam Brown Refuses to Support Federal IVF Protections While Anti-Abortion Groups Double Down on Efforts to Restrict Access to Fertility Treatments

As anti-abortion groups continue working to take away access to IVF, MAGA extremist Sam Brown won’t stand up for Nevadans’ right to fertility treatment

New reporting from POLITICO details how anti-abortion extremists are continuing their fight to block access to IVF treatment – putting the spotlight back on anti-abortion extremist Sam Brown’s refusal to support protections for IVF at the federal level. 

  • Organizations including Heritage, former Vice President Mike Pence’s group Advancing American Freedom, and the Southern Baptist Convention’s public advocacy-focused Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission have worked behind the scenes over the last few weeks to distribute talking points, circulate policy recommendations and educate Republican officials and their staff about their ethical concerns with how IVF is commonly practiced in the United States.
  • The groups… want new restrictions that would significantly curtail access to the procedure, such as imposing more regulations on fertility clinics, limiting the number of embryos that can be created or transferred to the uterus at one time, and banning pre-implantation genetic testing, which they argue allows parents to discriminate against their embryos on the basis of sex, disabilities like Down Syndrome or other factors.

When asked how he would have voted on a federal bill to protect IVF access, Brown refused to support the legislation, confirming what we have known all along – he is another extreme politician who will stand with his party as they block protections for fertility treatment instead of protecting Nevadans’ rights. 

Brown’s strong support for overturning Roe v. Wade opened the door for new attacks like this on women’s reproductive rights. His decade-long extreme anti-abortion history includes:

  • Supporting an extreme abortion ban in Texas with no exceptions for rape or incest that was considered one of the “toughest restrictions in the country” as a candidate in 2014. 
  • Serving as the local president of a national anti-choice organization that has backed a nationwide abortion ban, called Roe v. Wade a “moral atrocity,” and praised Texas’ six-week abortion ban. 
  • Saying he “would not vote for someone who would continue to support Roe v. Wade” and that he considered whether or not someone understood the importance of protecting life a litmus test for potential Supreme Court Justices.



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