‘Scam’ Brown: Nevada Senate GOP Primary Gets Even Messier as Republicans Seize on Sam Brown’s “Slush Fund” PAC 

Gunter calls on Brown to return funds he “scammed” out of donors “Bernie Madoff style”

The Nevada Senate GOP primary got even messier this week as news broke from CNN that shady Sam Brown used his scam PAC as a “slush fund” to swindle donors and cover his own losing campaign debts. 

Jeff Gunter dubbed Brown a “failed career politician” and called on him to “return his small-dollar donor’s money that he scammed out of them to pay off his own debts and mismanagement.” 

A GOP strategist and former Nevada GOP executive director called it the “Sam Brown bailout” and said Brown has “stumbled out of the gate” during his latest Senate bid.  

While Brown billed his PAC as a way to “help elect Republicans,” reports show as little as 2% of the funds actually went to support GOP candidates – instead being used to pay off Brown’s own debts and personal loans from his previous losing Senate primary in 2022. 

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Johanna Warshaw
“Just when we thought the Nevada Senate GOP primary couldn’t get any messier, Sam Brown gets caught using his scam PAC to swindle donors for his own benefit – it’s no wonder Republicans are calling him Scam Brown.” 


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