Shady Sam Brown and Jim Marchant Fail to File Legally Required Financial Disclosure Reports, Despite Being Long Overdue

Mitch McConnell’s handpicked candidate Sam Brown and former Assemblyman Jim Marchant have failed to file their financial disclosure reports as is legally required, according to reporting from the Nevada Independent. 

The deadlines for Brown and Marchant to file these reports have long passed – but both candidates have refused to show Nevadans the details of their financial and business interests. 

This isn’t the first time Brown has been caught in an ethics scandal. Just last month a bombshell CNN report revealed that Brown has used his scam PAC as a “slush fund” to swindle donors and cover his own losing campaign debts. 

Nevadans deserve to know: what are shady Sam Brown and Jim Marchant hiding?

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Johanna Warshaw
“First McConnell lackey Sam Brown used his scam PAC to swindle donors, and now he’s ignoring the law and refusing to show Nevadans the details of his financial and business interests. Nevada voters deserve to know what Sam Brown and Jim Marchant are hiding from them and why they failed to comply with basic financial disclosure requirements.” 


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