Shot/Chaser: Lombardo Silent on GOP’s Opposition to Pay Raises for State Police

Following Senate Republicans’ unanimous vote opposing pay raises and arbitration awards to Nevada State Police, Joe Lombardo couldn’t be bothered to stand for Nevada law enforcement and condemn his party’s lack of support for officers. But here’s a reminder that he campaigned on giving raises to state police and keeping Nevadans safe…

Shot: On the campaign trail, Lombardo promised an immediate pay raise for Nevada State Police, acknowledging their struggle to fill vacant positions.

Chaser: Over halfway through the legislative session, Lombardo had nothing to say as his party turned their backs on officers and voted against giving them a well-deserved raise and the back pay they are owed.

While Democrats stand with state police and work to fill vacancies, Lombardo owes it to both officers and Nevadans to keep his promise and support this legislation.



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