SHOT/CHASER: Sam Brown Attacks Federal Funding for High-Speed Rail While Nevada GOP Leaders Praise Bipartisan, Job-Creating Infrastructure Project

SHOT: Sam Brown repeatedly attacking federal funding for the widely supported Brightline West high-speed rail project that’s expected to create thousands of good-paying union jobs in Nevada. 

CHASER: Nevada Republicans Governor Joe Lombardo and Congressman Mark Amodei, as well as key business and labor groups, have praised the bipartisan project that’s set to boost tourism across Southern Nevada and grow the state’s economy. 

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Johanna Warshaw
“While Nevada leaders on both sides of the aisle support federal funding for this long-awaited infrastructure project that’s set to create thousands of good-paying jobs and boost Nevada’s economy, Sam Brown is proving that he’s an out-of-touch MAGA extremist who doesn’t even understand the state he’s trying to represent.”


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